To join the Kapiti Boating Club you need to complete a membership application form. Your application must be signed by a proposer and seconder who are financial members of the Club. Send the completed form, along the with a cheque for the initial joining fee and subscription, to the Club at the address on the form. Alternatively you can bring it along to the Club on a Friday evening. If you don't know a proposer or seconder just make yourself known to members at the Club on a Friday evening.
Your application will go to the next meeting of the club committee for acceptance. The committee meets in the last week of each month, and you will be notified of the outcome shortly afterwards.
The different membership categories are shown on the application form. For families you can take out two adult and any number of junior or youth memberships under and single family subscription. When you child reaches 20 years of age he/she will be invited to take out a separate adult membership.
Click here to download a membership application form (.doc PDF format, 137 kb).
If you would like a tractor key you also need to complete a tractor key contract form, and include it with your membership application. Click here for more information on boat launching and tractor key fees.
Click here to download a tractor key contract form
Security key-tags are available for a once-only charge of $15. This tag gives you 24-hour access to the club foyer, toilets and showers. When using your key-tag remember it disables the security alarms in the foyer, but not in the other areas of the building. So please don't enter the main hall of the clubhouse, even if the inner door has been left unlocked.
You do not need to reset the alarms when you leave the building - just make sure the door is closed behind.
Click here to download a key tag application form (.pdf format, 10 kb).